Thoughts on self-respect

Isabella Maisel
2 min readJun 6, 2021
Photo by Gabriella Clare Marino on Unsplash

Today i just took the day for me. I didn’t do nothing that i didn’t want to. I respected my inner wishes and it was great. Recently i started to notice how i often disrespect my own limits and since them i’ve noticing how it’s a social behavior as well. People don’t know how to say “no” and don’t respect their own boundaries.

By our system, by hollywood movies and productions, by all the media, we’re always seeing the “good guys” being used and doing more than they have to. Even at work, employers usually say that they want people that do more than their role asks. This just set a common mindset that it’s okay to go further with anything for others, but it’s not.

You’re not okay if you can’t spend ten minutes, an hour, a day or even more just doing wahat YOU want. You don’t have to do that course that everybody else did if you truly don’t want to. Of course, you got to do what you have to, but in order to do that better, you also must have your time dedicated only, exclusively to yourself. This is so obvious, and i didn’t did until today.

Sometimes it’s just hard to know what you want to do, and it’s okay. I realized that i am more creative person that i wished i was and i am in the process of rescuing this part of me. For years i ignored my willing to express myself through my creations and i just felt stucked. I convinced myself that i should be only at my analitical side. I should only study and take classes about “useful” things.

Truth is nothing is useful if you don’t enjoy it at all. You’re not going to make money following a career that you don’t have any interest in. You must have at least 1% of passion about something when you started it, otherwise you’re just going to fail at it and feel guilty about it.



Isabella Maisel

Here i dump my thoughts. I just wanna write what’s on my mind.